If Your Practice is on a Version of Windows Server 2016 or Older,You Will Not Be Able to Use eRX


We wanted to make you aware of an upcoming DoseSpot update which will impact your provider’s ability to e-prescribe medications.   DoseSpot, our eRX credentialing partner, is slated to release an update at the end of 2023.


This update will modernize the encryption (or Ciphers) EMR’s, such as eIVF, use to securely connect and exchange messages with the DoseSpot platform.  These more secure ciphers are only available on Windows Server 2016 and above AND Windows 10 and above.


Note that versions of Windows Server older than 2016 are either already retired or will soon be retired in 2023.  Retired versions of Windows Server are vulnerable to cyber-attacks and compliance risks.  It is therefore essential and mandatory that our customers upgrade BOTH Server and Desktop OS versions to at least Windows Server 2016 or greater and Windows 10 or greater.


Please note that we have multiple other clinics that are going to be impacted by the DoseSpot requirement deadline, and scheduling server migration cutover dates is very limited.  We are scheduling at a first come first serve basis.


  • What if I decide not to move forward with upgrading my server and hardware?  Aside from the inherent security and compliance risks, practices who choose to remain on a non-supported Windows server be unable to order any medications through eIVF’s eRX.
  • Is there a workaround or will the previously released workaround work? Unfortunately, there is not a workaround and the previously released workaround will no longer work after the February 2023 release.
  • Will this impact e-prescribe for all medications or just controlled substances?  The DoseSpot update will impact ordering any medication regardless if it is a controlled substance.
  • Are the DoseSpot requirements the same as the hardware/server requirements for the latest version of eIVF – V6?  While Windows Server 2016 meets the DoseSpot requirements, it does not meet the PracticeHwy/eIVF requirements for eIVF’s latest V6 version to be released in 2023.Due to the inherent security and compliance risks of remaining on retired versions of Windows Servers, PracticeHwy/eIVF will be requiring Windows Server 2019 or greater for practices wanting to move forward with eIVF V6.  Click here to view the V6 requirements

If you would like assistance with your server upgrade, here are two resources you can utilize.



PracticeHwy’s strategic partnership with Mathe provides our growing network of fertility centers access to a full-service IT Technology partner. As a long-time trusted partner of eIVF, Mathe understands how clinics can best optimize eIVF in their centers. They have experience supporting IVF clinic technology platforms, as well as private cloud hosting, specifically designed and engineered for hosting the IVF practice.


If you would like to handle the server upgrade internally or utilize a third-party IT partner, please note that you will need to reach out to eIVF to assist with moving the eIVF application platform from your existing server infrastructure to a new server infrastructure.  Failure to do so will result in issues with any existing interfaces to ultrasounds, labs or other vendors or equipment.  Please email support@eivf.net and we will provide a Statement of Work for our services.