Discover the transformative power of the partnership between eIVF and Rectangle Health, which leverages eIVF’s powerful billing system with Rectangle Health’s advanced payment solution with Practice Management Bridge®, a proven platform which has effectively reduces accounts receivable by at least 15%! This integration streamlines financial processes and improves the payment management experience for patients via eIVF’s portal, boosting patient satisfaction.

Discover the Enhanced Billing Capabilities with 

eIVF and Practice Management Bridge Integration!

Unlock the secrets to Maximizing Clinic Billing Efficiency: Key Strategies to Reduce AR by 15% and Elevate Patient Satisfaction on June 25 at 2 pm CST. In this eLearning session, we’ll explore how integrating Practice Management Bridge® into eIVF’s powerful Billing module can streamline your clinic’s billing processes, reduce accounts receivable, and significantly enhance patient satisfaction.