We have devised workarounds using the email function within eIVF’s patient explorer, system setup and the patient portal will help ensure continuity in your communication with patients until your Twilio registration is fully approved. Please note that the Twilio approval process can be up to 10 business days from the date that you submitted your Twilio registration.  Also note that if you submitted incorrect Tax information, the date starts from when you re-submitted the correct information.

If you were not able to attend the Twilio SMS FAQs and Workaround training session, you can view the video on Litmos/eIVF University.  Once you login to Litmos, you can find the video in the Content Library under “Twilio SMS FAQs and Workaround Training Session”.  Not sure how to access the Content Library?  Click here for step-by-step instructions.  You can also click here to download the PowerPoint which was reviewed during the training session.

To implement these workarounds, please follow the next steps:

  1. Within Patient Explorer, click on web correspondence and select email and then send.

To implement these workarounds, please follow the next steps:

2.  Check “Case SMS template” and if the case template only has “Text” option enabled, please add email as the option.

User’s permission:  Administrator and Super user group has access to update the case template.  Click here to download the Cse Template User Guide.

3. Check Visit type, General, Lab templates and if the template only has “Text” option enabled, please add email as the option.

User’s permission:  Administrator and Super user group has access to update the case template.

Workaround for patient confirmations and signing consents